The Kulkarni Group, Ltd
4580 Weaver Parkway, Suite 102
Warrenville, IL 60555
630-473-3970 Office
630-994-5028 Fax
If this is an emergency please call 911.
If this is an urgent clinical matter please call our office.
We are located just south of I88, between Mill Street and Winfield Road. We are located in the Cantera Corridor.
Weaver Parkway is a U shaped street. There are two entrances.
If you are driving on Diehl, coming from the West, we are one stop light past Winfield Road. Turn left at the 2nd Weaver Parkway entrance. (This is the one with the stoplight.) From there you will go to the 2nd drive on your left and turn in.
If you are driving from the East, you will go one stoplight past Mill Street. Turn right at the 1st Weaver Parkway entrance which is at this stoplight. Then take a left at the 2nd driveway on your left.
We are located on the 1st floor back and to the right in suite 102.
Please drive safely.