Make Stress Your Friend!I would like to express that deciding to participate in therapy with me will be an opportunity for you to learn new and more effective...
StrangersDelightful! Take two people, put them in a unique environment, provide them with props and cues and have a situation that lends itself to...
ADHDOur world is not made for folks with AD/HD. AD/HD is less commonly known as Attention Abundance Syndrome (ASS) and that is what we end up...
Homework BasicsHomework: The Basics Homework can take many forms. For example, your child might be asked to do a worksheet or project, to do some...
It takes a CommunityPublished on October 21st, 2014 SoulPancake presents the debut of Matt Hires "Hold You Up" music video, a collaboration with Rock the...
May ~ Mental Health Awareness MonthTrain created a music video that addresses loss, healing, and letting go. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and so to honor that...
Positive ChangeDepression and Anxiety in our lives make it difficult or maybe impossible to experience joy and happiness. With a positive framework and...